Archive for hoop dance events

Warming Up for Hoop Revolution

Hoop Revolution at sunset

Hoop Revolution at sunset

Warming up for the start of the Hoop Revolution workshop was a relatively quiet affair.  The sun was going down and casting a lovely orange light onto the concrete floor.  Even the hoops clattered quietly to the floor while the music played in the background.

Hoop Revolution in Brooklyn!

Brooklyn Lyceum, site of Hoop Revolution hoop dance workshop

Brooklyn Lyceum

Terribly excited to attend my first Hoop Revolution workshop at the Brooklyn Lyceum this week, led by the renowned Anah Reichenbach.  She is considered the godmother of modern hoop dance and I believe she was also the teacher of my first teachers.  Filled with anticipation, I saw this sunny display when I emerged from the subway into the depths of Brooklyn.  Promising.  Inside, lots of hoopers were already spinning their stuff…

Grace Jones Hoops for Queen Elizabeth

Grace Jones.  Queen Elizabeth.  Hooping.  Hard to imagine these three things mixing it up but it happened at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  (“Queen’s Diamond Jubilee” is a pretty irresistible name for a party but it is the perfect name for a giant white poodle wedding.  The dog could be named Queen, Diamond, or Jubilee.  See?)