New Students


What should I expect in hoop dance class?

You will learn the basic moves of hoop dance.  Moves may include hooping on your waist, hips, chest, shoulders, neck or thighs.  Other moves will involve spinning the hoop overhead or off the body.

How should I dress for class?

Hoops tend to work best with bare skin.  For your first classes, we suggest tank tops and cotton pants or yoga pants.  Synthetic fabrics are slippery when in contact with the hoop and make certain exercises unnecessarily difficult.  In our studio we dance barefoot.  When you are hooping on your own outside, wear any comfortable shoe that won’t flip off your feet as you’re moving and turning around.

How long will it take for me to “get it”?

Everyone learns at a different speed.  However, we have been able to get most beginners hooping around the waist within minutes of their first attempt.  Have fun, relax and you’ll be surprised and how quickly you’ll learn new tricks.

How do I get started?

All you need is a hoop and openness to learning something new.  (You need an adult-sized hoop – the 99 cent toy store one is too light and small for hoop dance.)  If you don’t already haveone, we have standard hoops available for purchase.  Join one of our classes by emailing twirlnyc(at)